Wednesday, December 11, 2013

10 Things

(I'd love to see a little reader feedback on this one, peeps!)

I'm going to name 10 things that I love about myself. Some of them are physical, some of them are not, but either way, they are things about me that are just great, and no one can tell me any different!

1. My Eyes

(Color again, but I'm trying to make a point here)

I have beautiful eyes. I was lucky enough to inherit this beautiful blue from my grandfather.

2. My Hair

I have great hair. It's thick, strong, and healthy. I may get tired of the color every now and again, but I appreciate the fact that it's smooth and shiny, with just a hint of a wave. I also love that I get cute little ringlet curls just at the base of my neck sometimes.

3. I can cook like a MoFo

I don't have a picture for this one, unless you go back and look at other ones of my belly :)
I love good food and I love to try new things. I pride myself on being able to throw down some amazing meals for my family and friends. 

4. My Feet

I don't know if I love them because they are pretty (which I think they are) or because my dad used to rub them when I was little to get me to sleep. As an adult, when I am down or not feeling well, my hubby rubs my feet to make me feel better. When I think of my feet, I think of love. It may sound strange to you, but it makes all the sense in the world to me.

5. My Brains

I'm smart and I think that's great. I've got enough book smarts to hold my own in most conversations (unless we're talking math, then- derp.) and I have a fair smattering of common sense. I love to learn and gobble up as much knowledge as I can.

6. My Sense of Humor

I'm pretty funny, if I do say so myself. I can be dry and witty or as blue and common as any redneck comedy tour. I make my friends laugh when they are down and people want to be around me because I make them happy.

7. My Laughs

Speaking of my sense of humor, I can't forget my laughs. I don't have just one, I have a variety. Everything from a Skeletor cackle to a Hordak snort (seriously- I laugh like He-Man and She-Ra villains sometimes)- how is that not great?! Sometimes I have a nice, big boisterous laugh that fills up a room. All of my laughs are awesome and I don't try to hide them.

8. My Creativity

I love to create things. I love to paint, sew, crochet (fuck knitting), and pretty much do anything else crafty I set my mind to. And you know what? I'm pretty damn good at it. I love looking at cool stuff on Pinterest and being able to recreate it myself. I love how quickly I learn new crafting techniques and seeing the outcome. Of course, my hubby isn't thrilled about the crafting supplies piling up in the house. Sorry, Papa Bear. Love you!

9.  My Parenting Skills

This one is low on the list because every parent has their doubts, but overall- I think I do pretty well. I'm very open and frank with my kids about a lot of things. We've had talks about sex, politics, religion, body image issues, all kinds of things. I love that my kids come to me with tough questions. I'm not the cuddly, coddly mom, but I love my kids fiercely and will fight hard to protect them.

10.  My Writing

I've often been praised by my writing ability, and it took many years for me to believe it. I'm not half bad. I've turned out a few poems that are (I think) pretty decent, and I've always had a knack for writing papers and such. I feel like blogging suits me because it allows me to flex my creative muscles in this area and share my talent with people who appreciate it. 

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